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Stopwatch - Final Project - Full Sail Online

It's been a long ride through my Online Music Production Bachlors Degree with Full Sail, but it all boiled down to the point when I got to pick a direction for my final and get to work. Game Music Production was the focus I chose. I started the month getting to know a game development team from another degree program and find out all the scores they needed. Even though it wasn't required, I offered my abilities to design sound effects if they needed, but did not yet have for their game. The game they were working on is called Stopwatch.

The game designers are Danielle Fimbres, Mathew Gardner, Ryan Hawker, Michael Hermreck, and Jeffrey Nalewyko. The protaginist Rebekka conduts various heists in highly gaurded facilities full of puzzles using a stopwatch that has the ability to briefly halt time. Spikes and fire pits are only a few of the obsticles that await the player.

Through 7 challenging levels full of obsticles, puzzles, and great retrostyled art, from museums containing rare artifacts, to a prison, and even a bunker where the main antagonist resides. It was a great pleasure to get to work with them through this tightly schedualed month and get them the tracks they needed for their game.

Each level has it's own custom loop to suite the mood setting. Whether it's a layed back Tutorial level or a race to get away from a giant orb covered in blades, there is a catchy retro-futuristic track to complement it and bring the game new life! I enjoyed this task to no end, but it was tough.

So check it all out right here and find out how everything sounds when put together. The game is currently under development and the team has to decide whether to continue with the project or not. What do you think, would you play this? Below is a video containing all 11 tracks I created.

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